Inspecting Your Home to Help You Find Hidden Health Hazards

At I-Beam Inspections Inc. in Cottonwood, AZ, we are knowledgeable about asbestos and molds—two health threats found in homes. You can rely on our certified inspectors to check your abode for these hazards.

Asbestos and molds both require professional removal and handling due to the health risks they pose. By locating these substances, we can help you prepare for a professional removal service. We serve residents of Cottonwood and the neighboring areas of:

Camp Verde






Asbestos Exposure

Being heat- and corrosion-resistant, asbestos is used in construction products such as paint and insulation materials. Asbestos is a fibrous material made from naturally occurring minerals of silicate. As time goes by, this substance deteriorates into dust-like particles floating in the air. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma, a cancer of the linings in the chest and the abdomen.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first banned new uses of asbestos in 1989, but has continued to allow its application with techniques made before the ban. While homes built after 1989 could be free from asbestos, older structures require inspection and removal of asbestos.

Effects of Mold

The Institute of Medicine, now the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies, have found that indoor molds can cause respiratory problems. Exposure to mold can result in coughs, fevers, and other symptoms of an allergy or flu.

Molds belong in the fungi kingdom. This organism comes in thousands of species, and can grow and survive on any environment or surface.

Toxic mold or black mold is found commonly on wood, wallpaper, and drywall in houses and structures. Its pervasiveness and the hazards it causes are of great concern to most. Molds cannot be entirely eradicated, but professionals can apply preventive measures to control and inhibit the growth of mold.

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